The Apostolic Mandate

If you long to see God's Kingdom manifested in the earth, then this book is for you. As you journey with the author, uncovering the answers to some key questions (see contents in sample), you will be encouraged and equipped to engage within your spheres of influence with greater authority than ever before. You have been called to fulfill - THE APOSTOLIC MANDATE!

The Call of the Kingdom

If you sense a yearning within and know that God is beckoning you to experience more of Him, "The Call of the Kingdom" is a must read. Based upon the sure foundation of the Word of God, the book reveals God's heart to his people in this season. With great clarity you will more fully comprehend your need to possess God's promises for your life and come to understand that your dissatisfaction with the status quo is "The Call of the Kingdom." You will be inspired and challenged to develop a greater level of INTIMACY with God. As you do this, your INNER STRENGTH will increase and your IMPACT for the Kingdom will be maximized.

Inspiration to Implementation Coaching Program

No matter the group, role, title or label, we were all created ON, WITH & FOR PURPOSE. I'm looking for those who believe this too & are ready to ENGAGE on a new endeavor, RE-ENGAGE current projects with greater intensity or REFINE & REDEFINE the focus of their personal or organizational life. At the same time, you will be providing invaluable feedback to make INSPIRATION TO IMPLEMENTATION Strategic Planning System course content more effective in helping you and others do what you were created to do.

Kingdom Life Global, Inc.

KLGI is non-profit training ministry committed to providing transformational teaching, coaching, and resources to impart revelation of the Kingdom with the three-fold purpose of:

EQUIPPING KINGDOM CITIZENS with THE TRUTH needed to develop a biblical worldview, the end result being authentic believers or Integrated Disciples. These individuals have "demonstrated ability to assimilate their beliefs into their lifestyle... reflecting biblical principles into their opinions, beliefs, behaviors, and preferences."*

*(George Barna, American Worldview Inventory 2021-22, page 69)

ESTABLISHING HIS REIGN in every sphere of culture - arts & entertainment, business, education, family, government, media, and religion. By allowing biblical truths to inform our thoughts, words, and actions no matter our role, we align ourselves with God's Kingdom so His will is done in the earth.

TRANSFORMING THE CULTURE by living out what we believe with resulting fruitfulness that blesses everyone. When we are indeed salt & light, people and nations will come understand that “His [God’s] way of doing and being right” (Matt 6:33 AMPC) surpasses all others.

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